Last Updated

Main concepts

This guide describes the basic concepts that are used in the Taglme Encoder service.


Several basic objects in the service are used in both the web application and the mobile Android application.

These objects are ‘groups’ and ‘configurations’.

Below you will find a short description of the parameters for each object.


The group is used to store NFC tag configurations. All configurations created belong to a certain group.

The group has the following parameters

  • Name (required) - group name
  • Description (optional) – group description


Configurations are used to store data for NFC tag encoding.

The configuration has the following parameters

  • Name (optional) - configuration name
  • Type (required) - the configuration type. It can have one of the following values: URL Link, Text, URI Link, Business Card, Mime Type, Phone, Location, Android Application, Smart Poster.
  • Content (required) - data to write to an NFC tag. Content data fields depend on the type of configuration.
  • Encoding Amount (optional) - the number of NFC tag copies that will need to be made.
  • Lock Tag (optional) – if set, then tag will be permanently locked from overwriting after encoding.

The Lock Tag action is irreversible. You cannot write any further information to the tag if it’s locked.

  • Tag Manufacturer (optional) - manufacturer of the tag
  • Tag Model (optional) - model of the tag