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Main concepts

This guide describes the basic concepts that are used in Taglme Link service.


Several basic objects in the service are used in the application.

For example, such objects are Projects, Tags, Actions, Templates, Groups, Interactions.

Below, you will find a short description of the parameters for each object


Projects are used to store all other elements. Elements created in one project (tags, actions, etc.) will not be available in another project.

The project has the following parameters

  • Name (required) – Project name
  • Customer (optional) - Customer name
  • Start Date (optional) - Start date of the project
  • End Date (optional) - End date of the project
  • Notes (optional) - Description of the project
  • Webhook URL (optional) – A URL for sending messages about interactions with tags. This parameter is used for integration with third-party systems.
  • Google Analytics ID (optional) - Google Analytics ID. This parameter is used to integrate with Google Analytics services.
  • Shorten links (optional) - Allows you to use an external link shortening service ( If you would like to use this option, interaction links for tags will be generated by an external service and will look like the following:
  • Project status (required) - Status of the project. This can have the following values:
    • In development – Used to setup and test the project. Any actions within project elements are available whilst in this status.
    • Active – Used for active projects. Items cannot be deleted in-project with this status.
    • Paused - Used to suspend projects. During tag interactions, actions are not activated whilst in this status.
    • Archive – Used to archive projects. Whilst in this status, any actions with project elements are not available. Actions are not activated during tags interactions.
    • Additional information - An additional set of key-value pairs. This can be used to write any additional information relevant to the project.


A template is used as base object for actions. This is a page layout (in html, json or text format) which is then loaded into the user’s browser when interacting with the tag.

Layouts can have options. The application will dynamically apply an options value when the page is rendered.

The value of these options can be specified when creating an action which is based on a template.

To create actions, you can use public templates or create your own.

The template has the following parameters:

  • Name (required) - Template name
  • Type (required) - Specifies the type of displayed content. It can have the value html, json, text.
  • Notes (optional) - Description of the template
  • Tags (optional) - Search tags
  • Markup (required) - Layout of the page that will be loaded into the user’s browser
  • Options (optional) - A list of parameters that you can specify when creating an action which is based on a template

Each template option has the following parameters:

  • Name (required) - The option’s identifier in the template markup. This identifier is placed in the page markup. An option value will be rendered in its place.
  • Title (required) - Name of the option
  • Notes (optional) - Description the option’s purpose
  • Required (required) – This check box will appear and should be set if the option value cannot be empty.
  • Value (optional) - Sets the default value for the option


Actions - Used to display content in the user’s browser when interacting with tags. Actions are based on the templates.

The actions have the following parameters:

  • Name - Action name
  • Template - Template based on which the action was created
  • Notes - Description of the action
  • Options - Template parameters that will be dynamically placed into the page layout when the action is activated.
  • Additional information - An additional set of key-value pairs. These aee used to write any additional information relevant to the action.


Groups – Used to set a group action to tags. This action will be activated for all tags within the group.

The groups have the following parameters:

  • Name - Group name
  • Action - The action that the group activates
  • Notes - Group description
  • Additional information - An additional set of key-to-value pairs. It is used to write any additional information that is relevant to the group.


Tags - These represent the address of a web page on the Taglme Link service. Content for this page can be specified using the ‘Action’ element. The address of this specific web page can be written to physical tags of different types. These can be NFC tags, Bluetooth Eddystone tags or QR codes.

When interacting with a tag, the user’s smartphone reads the web address recorded on the tag and loads it into the browser. The content of the loaded page will depend on the action specified for the tag.

Tags have the following parameters:

  • Name (required) – Yag name
  • Type (required) - Type of the tag (NFC, QR code, Bluetooth)
  • Notes (optional) – Tag description
  • Group (optional) - Specifies the group action for the tag
  • Action (optional) - Specifies the individual action for the tag

Individual action takes precedence over group action. If both parameters are specified, only the individual action will be activated.

  • Additional information - An additional set of key-value pairs. This is used to write any additional information relevant to the tag.


Interactions – Used to record interactions with tags. Each interaction with the tag (loading a web page in the web browser) is saved in a service database. This data will then be available later for interaction reports.